FOWAP Meeting Minutes 2022

See Minutes from: 2020 | 2021


October 27, 2022

The second annual meeting of Friends of West Austin Park took place in the park on Thursday, October 17, 2022. Chair, Alison Ryan, and Co-Chair, Barbara Salyers, led the meeting for a gathering of neighbors to hear about the progress towards park improvements by Friends of the West Austin Park.

1. Alison opened the meeting while Barbara gave a short history and description of FOWAP. Alison introduced other officers and committee members including Jennifer Guthrie, Treasurer, Paula Hern, Secretary and Shelly Killday, member of Fund Raising Committee.

  • Barbara also identified FOWAP needs and requested other neighbors get involved at any level they feel comfortable doing. Needs included someone to take the lead with It’s My Park Day as Dick Ryan is stepping down and someone is needed to take the lead with his guidance. Other needs include someone to help with volunteer outreach, social media and fund raising.

2. There was an election of officers that were up for re-election.

  • Both Barbara Salyers, Co-Chair, and Jennifer Guthrie, Treasurer, were re-elected to their positions.

3. Jennifer gave a Treasurer’s Report. FOWAP started the year with $25,500 and currently has a balance of $81,015.04.

  • Donations totaled about $12,000 with more promised.

  • About $7,000 was spent on advertising and fund raising items.

4. Updates on park projects and maintenance issues were given.

  • Alison pointed out the metal guard rail at the 9 1/2 Street entrance to the park was taken out by Austin Parks Department. Large stones were placed at an angle at the entrance allowing drainage and pedestrian access.

  • Alison also talked about how the garden has been maintained by neighbors watering and weeding regularly.

  • Dick talked about how erosion in the dog park has been limited by neighbors on It’s My Park Day piling mulch against the fence line of the dog park. Also planned is improvement to drainage in the middle of the park area by the Watershed department and the Parks department. Currently, Watershed is considering a water quality pond that would create a filtration system in the open field in the center of the park. Also being looked at is an ADA accessible pathway around the field area as well as replacing an aging wastewater line under the park. There could be a public meeting after the first of the year with design work following.

  • Alison also brought up the number of dogs in the open area unleashed and brought up the need for neighbors to encourage dog owners to use the dog park or keep their dogs leashed in the open area. Those not wanting dogs around them or dog owners who have a dog needing to be leashed, are among those hoping to see more dogs on leashes.

5. Dick Ryan gave an overview of It’s My Park Day and encouraged others to sign up for the November 5th event.

  • Those interested in participating in helping with improvements at the park need to sign up on the Austin Parks Foundation website for volunteering for It’s My Park Day site specifically for West Austin Park. Volunteer hours go towards payment for the city improvements at 9 1/2 Street park entrance

6. A brief update on the Overlook Project was given by Shelly Kilday. She stated about half the project cost, $325,000, needs to be raised before breaking ground. Increased costs for materials and labor has increased the overall cost of the Overlook Project to about $650,000.

  • Fund raising committee members have done a great deal of outreach to the neighborhood. A large event was held on October 19 at Maureen Mettier’s house that raised many donations. It was a financial success and certainly enjoyed by all who attended.

7. The meeting was adjourned while those attending, enjoyed further conversation and refreshments.

The Executive Committee of Friends of West Austin Park generally meets monthly. You can learn more about us and our bylaws here.



August 17, 2022


Alison Ryan-Chair

Barbara Salyers-Co-Chair

Jennifer Guthrie-Treasurer

Paula Hern-Treasurer

Chris Schorre-Community Outreach Committee


I. Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting for FOWAP is scheduled for October 27th, at 6pm in the park. The event will be similar to last year’s meeting with snacks, a regular agenda and election of officers up for re-election.

II. It’s My Park Day

The event is scheduled for November 5. Areas brought up to address were the gardens and island on 9th Street. Alison is in contact with Barry Rivera to help decide areas and concerns to address at the event. Chris will get a newsletter out and ask for volunteers to help with the island work.

III. Fundraiser

This event is scheduled for October 19th and will be held at Maureen M's house. Chris is still working to include Cumby and group at the event.

IV. Improvements to 91/2 St. Entrance

Stones have been put down at the entrance but there are efforts to have the Parks Department move two blocks in the middle down into the park to make way for pedestrians and drainage into the park.

V. Financial Statement

Jennifer said there is $69,000 in the Parks Foundation account as of the end of July.

VI. Next Meeting

The next FOWAP meeting is scheduled for September 22

Executive Committee members present:

Alison Ryan – Chair

Barbara Salyers – Co-Chair

Other FOWAP members in attendance:

Chris Schorre, Chair, Community Outreach Committee

Dick Ryan

Chair’s Report

Alison Ryan opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. She reported that she had called the City and made a report about the mud puddle surrounding the water fountain in the Park, which is caused by people bathing their dogs at the fountain. She suggested that the City turn the spicket off and have dog owners use the water source in the dog park. Instead, the City exchanged the existing faucet at the fountain for one that must be hand held. This type of faucet helps direct water and may help with the puddling problem. Alison said, however, that the puddle is still there. A neighborhood resident has suggested making the spot into a garden so that the fountain water can be used to water the garden. The neighbor would like to dedicate the garden to Joe Sullivan, another neighbor who passed away recently.

Alison also reached out again to Natalie Olivera, the FOWAP’s contact with the Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP), to ask about the status of the 9 1/2 Street Project. Ms. Olivera said she would reach out to some of NPP’s contractors to ask about getting the Project added to their list of upcoming projects.

Fundraising Report

Chris Schorre proposed that FOWAP make a donation to the Flower Hill Foundation to support the neighborhood Flower Hill Museum. The Committee supported the proposal. A discussion was held regarding how to properly make such a donation. Chris agreed to ask the FOWAP’s treasurer about how to best proceed.

Chris reported that a meeting was held with the Cumby Group (Cumby) at their request regarding holding a joint event in the Fall on the sight of the Overlook Project. The event is intended to be a fundraising event for the West Austin Park and Overlook Project. Cumby offered to do most of the planning. Chris suggested holding the event sometime in September since the FOWAP is already planning an October event. Details will be discussed over the next few months, but Cumby suggested having a food truck since they have access to power. How the event will be funded is yet to be determined but initial thoughts are that food from the food truck would be purchased by attendees.

Because there most likely will be a fundraising event held in September, Chris said the Fundraising Committee may shift the October event to some date in early November. He also reported that the Committee had received a commitment from Maureen M. to host the event at her home. There was discussion about other potential venues for future fundraising events.

Chris mentioned that he had obtained additional Overlook Project signs that can be given out or otherwise distributed.

A discussion was held about a possible event for the 4th of July. Barbara Salyers reminded the Committee that she and Paula Hern are still willing to manage the effort. Alison mentioned that OWANA will be holding the 4th of July parade the morning of the 4th. Chris suggested keeping whatever is done low key – perhaps setting up a table with information about FOWAP and the Overlook Project and offering water to those in the Park.

Other Business

Alison reminded the Committee that the annual meeting will be held on October 20, 2022, and suggested that planning for the November 5, 2022, Its My Park Day should be discussed at a future meeting.

It was agreed that a meeting will not be held in July since so many of the Committee members will be traveling over the summer. Whether a meeting will be held in August will determined at a later date.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


MAY 19, 2022
Executive Committee members present:Alison Ryan – ChairBarbara Salyers – Co-Chair Other FOWAP members in attendance:Chris Schorre, Chair, Community Outreach Committee Chair’s ReportAlison Ryan opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. She reported that there are no updates regarding the 9½ Street Park entrance project. Alison has reached out to Natalie Olivera, the FOWAP’s contact with the Neighborhood Partnering Program (NPP), to ask about the status of the project but has not yet heard back from her. Alison will follow up. Overlook Project Fundraising ReportChris Schorre provided a report on the fundraising event held for the Overlook Project on May 5, 2022, at The Tudor College at Pease Park. Chris reported that there were approximately 40 to 50 attendees, which was a good turnout, especially since it rained for about 30 minutes at the start of the event. Renderings of the Project placed on easels were positioned around the event space. Attendees were interested in the Project, and there was good discussion and questions about it. Chris reported that the event was a good learning experience for the FOWAP fundraising team regarding how to manage future events. For example, having a caterer was key since it allowed the FOWAP team to focus on talking with attendees, answering questions about the Project, and promoting the FOWAP. The caterers provided just enough food for the group, and it was very good. They also did a good job of setting up tables, serving the food, and cleaning up. The FOWAP team provided wine, beer, and margaritas. The attendees seemed to prefer the margaritas as not many drank beer, and a good portion of the wine was not used. Fortunately, the team was able to return the unused wine. The team purchased the margarita dispenser and tablecloths so that FOWAP will have them for future events. The team also had a FOWAP banner printed with the logo made that can be used for future FOWAP events, including Its My Park Day. Also, team member Bill Kilday created a fun “bingo” game for the event. Bingo type cards with questions in each square related to a personal attribute of an attendee or the Park were used. To play the game, attendees circulated with other attendees to ask about the questions on their cards and identify who the questions referred to. At the end of the evening, completed cards were placed in a drawing. The winner of the drawing won a prize, which had been contributed by a sponsor. The game was a big hit and allowed attendees to mingle and get to know each other. Contributions are still coming in. In early June, the treasurer should have final numbers to reflect the total dollar amount of contributions and expenses. Chris also discussed the $7,000 in contributions from sponsors of the event and that he hopes to continue and expand those relationships. The sponsors included: Hugh Jefferson Randolph Architects; Castle Hill Fitness; Austin Fine Properties (John Teinert); and the Miura Group Financial Planners. A discussion was held about potential future fundraising events, including one for the 4th of July. The fundraising team intends to have a 4th of July event, but to keep it low key since so many members will be traveling. Barbara Salyers offered to help with the event since she may be the only executive team member in town. A discussion was also held about planning a bigger event in the Fall of 2022. Alison mentioned that FOWAP may want to hold the event in conjunction with its annual meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 20, 2022. Chris mentioned that the fundraising team is planning to hold an event on October 6 in someone’s home or an event space in the neighborhood. He will provide updates about planning over the summer. Other BusinessThe Committee discussed how to move forward with planning for the open field space in the Park. Alison mentioned that there has been some talk in the neighborhood about having a soccer field there. The possibility of adding picnic tables to the area to provide families with places to spend time, picnic, and play games was also discussed. The topic of removing the chain link fence to aesthetically improve the area was raised again. Chris suggested sending out a survey to FOWAP members asking for suggestions and preferences on uses for the area. The committee agreed that it would be helpful to have feedback from the neighborhood. Chris agreed to prepare a draft survey and circulate it to the Executive Committee. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Committee will be held at the regularly scheduled time on Thursday, June 16, 2022. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


Date/Time of Meeting: March 17, 2022 6pm
Those Present:Alison Ryan - ChairPaula Hern - SecretaryChris Schorre - Community Outreach Committee Dick Ryan - It’s My Park Day Organizer
I. Chris shared the FOWAP web site has been updated with a Donor and Event page added. There was discussion about assuring donors have a choice of being named or listed anonymously especially with donations over $1000. There is also a new social media person, Jane, who is handling posts on social media.
II. There was discussion of the May 5 fundraising event. The event has been added to the Events page on the website. There are currently four business sponsors. They are Austin Fine Properties, Miura Group, Castle Hill Fitness and Hugh Jefferson Randolph Architects. Invitations will go out to about 100-200 neighbors and friends, more if needed. Appetizers and a bartender will be on hand.
III. Hosting an event on July 4th with OWANA was discussed and plans were made to get in contact with those able to help organize an event.
IV. The finishing work on the median was discussed. Alison is completing the NPP application. Native plants will be selected for planting and a water source across from the median will be secured. The curbs will also be painted.
V. Good news about the fundraising during Amplify Austin. West Austin Park garnered the most total donations of any other Austin park. Chris said the fundraising committee is meeting every Monday to strategize fundraising efforts. Multiple pop up efforts will be planned as fundraisers during the year.
VI. The annual FOWAP meeting is planned for October 20th. The next FOWAP meeting is April 14th.

Friends of West Austin Park Meeting (online)Date/Time of Meeting: February 17, 2022 6pm
Those Present:Alison Ryan - ChairBarbara Salyers - Co-ChairChris Schorre - Community Outreach Committee ChairDick Ryan - It’s My Park Day OrganizerRob Kish - Fundraising Committee Chair
I. Alison announced a meeting with Natalia Olivera of NPP on February 23 at 10:30 to confirm the main design elements for the new entrance on W 9 1/2 St. Neighbors will beinvited to attend the meeting. After the meeting Natalia will start the process of getting permits, securing vendors, and scheduling the installation. The permits can often takelonger than we’d think.
II. Chris has scheduled a meeting on March 9 with Christine Chute Canul and Charles Mabry of PARD to promote the Overlook Project, reassure them that FOWAP is intenton following this project to completion as well as discuss the maintenance plans with APF. Shelly Kilday and Rob Kish will attend.
III. Rob is working on the Donor Recognition Wall with TBG who will do a mockup at the northwest corner of the park. They are doing this work pro bono. We will need to getPARD’s support.
IV. Rob reported on fundraising efforts by himself and Shelly Kilday. He has been reaching out to businesses and donors who may be interested in donating 5-10K. Orlarger. Plans are in works for a fundraising event May 5 at the Tudor Cottage at Pease Park for the Overlook Project. This event will be limited to select donors to educatethem and ask for significant donations. John T. has agreed to be a sponsor, and Rob is reaching out to other community businesses.
V. Chris revealed the new logo, designed by the Kilday’s, which everyone loved. It will be effective tool for WAP merchandise.
VI. Rob is working on Amplify Austin March 2-3 setting up our page. APF said there is a $3500 match for each park involved. We’ll request that Mid-City/Cumby Development to make another donation to Amplify Austin this year.
VII. IMPD is March 5, 2022. David Boles is the chair. This spring the projects include the restoring the soil of the northeast forest area, replanting the flower gardens and paintingthe concrete picnic table as well as cleaning up the 9th St median.