FOWAP Meeting Minutes 2020

The Executive Committee of Friends of West Austin Park generally meets monthly. You can learn more about us and our bylaws here.

Executive Committee Meeting Notes

December 11, 2020

Members Present: Chris Schorre, Barbara Salyers, Dick Ryan, Alison Ryan, Rosemary Merriam, Jennifer Guthrie, Paula Hern

Chris Schorre presented information and proposals he had gathered from several landscape architect firms in Austin. Chris met with several architects regarding work to be done in preparation for turning the site of the tennis court at the northwest corner of the park into a conversation and gathering area. Proposals were for site analysis and a conceptual design plan that could be presented to PARD for approval and design marketing renderings that can be used in fund raising efforts. The firms that were considered were Campbell Landscape Architects, Design Workshop, PVI Planning, TBG, Ten Ecyk Landscape Architects, and Word + Carr. Two other firms either did not respond or withdrew. The selection of these firms was based on selecting someone in Central Austin and someone who had experience working with PARD. After discussion of the pros and cons of each firm, selection was narrowed down to three firms and then, the overall agreement was for the selection of TBG. The decision was based on the thoroughness of their proposal, past experience designing the Master Plan of the West Austin Park and reasonable cost of the work.

The committee agreed to have Chris sign the contract with TBG for the proposed work. Alison will write an email giving Chris this authorization and send to members. Chris will negotiate with TBG regarding breaking the contract into two separate pieces (plan for PARD and marketing renderings) with separate pricing. The committee authorized $2,000 of FOWAP money to be spent towards the initial contract for a plan design. An invoice will trigger the payment and then, Jennifer can request money from APF for payment. Cumby and Assoc. will be contacted to finance further costs from the $50,000 already allocated to park improvements. Alison will email Kathleen Barron at Austin Parks Foundation regarding help with the design process and acceptance by PARD of the project design. The committee discussed the process of deciding the parameters of decision making regarding contracts and expenditure of FOWAP money. The committee made the decision to authorize Chris to sign the contract with TBG, and the amount of FOWAP financial outlay, but the issue of decision making will continue to be discussed so there are guidelines that can be followed and are open to the membership.

The rest of the meeting dealt with Amplify Austin and the plan to have West Austin Park under the Austin Parks Foundation umbrella for fundraising efforts during this event on March 4, 2021. The Committee went over the initial form to submit for inclusion on the fundraising site. Donations can be made starting January 14th and Central National Bank will be matching some donations. There was also brief discussion of the need for a general email address for FOWAP as opposed to a personal address of a board member. And fundraising strategies using texting, QR codes, avenues to donate at local merchants, Next Door and Facebook were also brought up for this event.

Executive Committee Meeting

November 12, 2020

Members Present: Barbara Salyers, Jennifer Guthrie, Chris Schorre, Dick and Alison Ryan, Paula Hern

Agenda Items Discussed

1. Chris gave an update on the Terrace Project.

Chris has talked to several landscape architects seeking a contract for working drawings for the proposed Terrace project. He is awaiting proposals. The drawings will then go to PARD for approval before the project can break ground. Money from FOWAP funds and money committed from the developer, Bryan Cumby, will be used to finance the drawings which may cost from two to fourteen thousand dollars. Chris will reach out to Bryan Cumby to see if he has someone he would recommend for the project drawings as well.

2. Dick talked about the next It’s My Park Day, November 18th. Information will be on the website about the day and way to sign up to volunteer. Five cubic yards of mulch have been ordered which is less than usually delivered. Another load of decomposed granite will also be delivered for the base of the dog park. There was discussion about the erosion taking place at the dog park and mulch at the base of the dog park. Jennifer will talk to Sandra Grimes and the Canine Social Club to coordinate any solutions.

FOWAP Executive Committee Monthly Meeting

October 15, 2020

Members Present: Chris Schorre, Alison Ryan, Barbara Salyers, Jennifer Guthrie, Dick Ryan, Paula Hern

I. Members processed the annual meeting on October 1. The minutes were approved. The issue of dogs off leash in the park was discussed and possible solutions. Alison will contact Kimberley Nealey at PARD to discus possible solutions.

II. The water reclamation pump was discussed. The pump appears to be working. Alison followed up with the city, sending an email, but has had no response yet.

III. Dick stated he had sent in all the paperwork for It’s My Park Day. The event will take place November 18. The request was for 7cu yards of mulch for the trees and garden. Two time frames, 8:30-10 and 10-11:30, with about 9 people per time period, were estimated to meet the need for distributing mulch. No word yet from Austin Parks Foundation.

IV. The Terrace Project was discussed. Right now the city, PARD, say they need a more detailed plan from a landscape architect before the project can be approved and moved forward. A detailed picture will also be needed for future fundraising efforts. Chris will approach 3-4 architects from the city approved list of landscape architects.